Quite a list of theories has been compiled by those who claim to know what God really did. This is a small sampling:
• There might have been a gap of millions or billions of years between the very first and second verses in Genesis.
• Or Adam and Eve were ape-like creatures that God brought into the Garden of Eden. God breathed the breath of life into them making them fully human. After that, they completely forgot about their animal past.
• Perhaps the creation story and Noah's ark are just allegories or myths given to mankind.
• And finally, a flood did happen, but not world-wide. Ancient man was too unenlightened to know the difference between the small space he occupied on this planet, and the entire globe. So if his tiny village flooded, he would say the whole world had a flood.
Well worth the read!Today, most Bible colleges, seminaries, K-12 Christian schools, and now even parts of the homeschool movement do not accept the first eleven chapters of Genesis as literal history. They try to fit the supposed billions of years into Genesis, and some teach evolution as fact. Our churches are largely following suit.
The biggest mistake pastors make is ... compromising the gospel! Most pastors and Bible study leaders don’t do it knowingly, but it's happening in nearly all denominations. This inspiring book reveals that if we are going to believe the Bible as the source for understanding salvation, we also have to believe and trust what it says about WHY we need salvation (the origin of sin). The reason we need Jesus, and the first promise of our future salvation and restoration in Him, comes early in Genesis.
In this dynamic book, learn how accepting the evolution-based belief that the universe is billions of years old unlocks the door of faith-shattering compromise. Heed the wake up call to return to the authority of God's Word. (This cutting-edge message goes into detail on the word "yom" and even exposes pastors and other influencers who have compromised on the strategic "age of the earth" issue. Clearly reveals the destructive nature of old-earth beliefs on the core gospel/salvation message of scripture.)
Ken Ham, international speaker and best-selling author on biblical authority, examines how compromise starting in Genesis, particularly in regard to the six days of creation and the earth's age, have filtered down from professors to pastors - and finally to parents and their children. This faith-eroding legacy is seen in generations of young people leaving the church, rejecting the gospel, and ultimately Jesus Christ. Get the facts, discover God's truth, and help bring a new reformation to your family, and your church!
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