The Truth About the Lordship of Christ
By John MacArthur Published by Thomas Nelson
The book is about establishing the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It also part of a a three part “Truth” book series. Written by well-known author John MacArthur, The Lordship of Christ details the reasons why God deserves our all and what it means to live fully for Christ.
Not a heavy read but good for young Christians or older ones who need refreshing! This is a book to encourage a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. Although a small book, I found it to be worth the read. I think this book would make a good gift for a new Christian friend, and for anyone unused to reading books on doctrine, And lastly, although this book is addressed to a Christian, I do recommend it for anyone; it would therefore also be a good gift choice for your unsaved acquaintances as well. It explains very clearly salvation, and how God views sin, how we must repent in order to be saved, etc
This is a fairly easy read but packed with Bible based principles to live by. I found it both challenging and encouraging. It is definitely worth the time to read if you are serious about following Jesus Christ and allowing Him to be Lord.
I know MacArthur is usually pretty good on with his writing so I wasn’t surprised when I agreed with just about everything he had to say in The Lordship of Christ.
But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith,that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings... Philippians 3:7-10
You cannot serve God freely and fully if you are a slave to people's opinions.
Don't seek the applause of men ~
seek the approval of GOD.”
Do I submit to the Lordship of Christ in my life?
How does that effect my thoughts, words and actions?
Is my will conformed to His?
How does that look in any given day?
Do I recognize that I am a slave to Christ?
Do I recognize that Jesus Christ bought me off slave market of sin…that I belong to Him?
Do I serve Him and submit to Him out of love and gratitude?
Am I conformed to God’s will, my will or the worlds?
Does Christ’s Lordship in my life effect what I read and listen to?
Does it dictate how I spend my money and time?
Am I living for myself of for Christ?
Am I filled with the fullness of God or with myself?
Do I seek to glorify God with my life?
Is there any area of my life that is off limits to God?
Is there any area of my life that shouldn’t be brought into submission to God’s will?
Is my disobedience to God evidence of my lack of trust in Him, reflective of my lack of a true knowledge of God?
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