The book of Revelation is a love letter to the church. Yet most view it as troubling, and many misunderstand what the Lord is trying to tell us. Didn’t the Jews in Jesus’ day have some of the same problems?
Follow Joh as he is sent to the isle of Patmos in the Agean Sea 30 miles off the west coast of Turkey. Then see what visions the Lord gave him. In the first chapter you will see a description o who Jesus is . Chapter 2 tells what is happening in the churches during John;s life.
Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come provides a simple running commentary and interpretive guide for the beginner. Our hope is that laypersons and preachers not familiar with the book of Revelation will be encouraged to do a more in-depth study. The material takes an unashamed pretribulation, premillennial position within a traditional dispensational framework.
I felt like the author did a good job and it was worth the read, even if I am not dispensational or premillennnial. Check it out at
Thanks for the free book to review
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