For the most part this was a good read as the author Stanley Gale showed that apart from Christ we can do nothing! The cover drew me, it is very appealing! This book focuses on John 15:5
5 I am the vine; ayou are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is thatbbears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
In order for this fruit to grow, we must stay connected to Christ which requires a dying to self and looking to Him.
Over and over Mr Gale points us to the fact we must have a changed vine and produce much fruit! This book will help you grow in the charterer of Christ.
The only draw back was comparing Jesus to Aslan and the lion in the wizard of Oz. I thought these were lame examples, Any way I don't particularity think that these Lions are good examples of Christ both are to human and earthly. But despite this I used the book for four days reading it along side my quite times! The many bible verses were a great delight!
You will come away from this book realizing that God's design for us is not withered meager fruit, so we must take immediate attention and constant to our sins. This was overall a great read witch would really bless those in their christian walk!
I received this book for free from The Good Book Company via Cross Focused Reviews for this review.
Over and over Mr Gale points us to the fact we must have a changed vine and produce much fruit! This book will help you grow in the charterer of Christ.
The only draw back was comparing Jesus to Aslan and the lion in the wizard of Oz. I thought these were lame examples, Any way I don't particularity think that these Lions are good examples of Christ both are to human and earthly. But despite this I used the book for four days reading it along side my quite times! The many bible verses were a great delight!
You will come away from this book realizing that God's design for us is not withered meager fruit, so we must take immediate attention and constant to our sins. This was overall a great read witch would really bless those in their christian walk!
I received this book for free from The Good Book Company via Cross Focused Reviews for this review.
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