I was amazed by this book. First the cover drew me! I have always enjoyed studying creation and this book was very useful! A faithful and edifying exposition of key chapters in the Bible that speak of the glories of creation, including Genesis 1:1 2:3, 2:4 25, Psalms 8 & 19, 29, 33, 104, 148, Job 38, Isaiah 65 & 66, Proverbs 8, and selected passages from the New Testament. The volume provides interesting parallels between the old creation and the new (i.e., redemption). The book is divided into 12 chapters, each of which focuses on a particular text (some on multiple text), in which the authors expound the text and show God's grand work and plan in salvation.
Clearly I found this a useful tool!
Overall, I was blessed by this book. It is a wonderful resource to study God's work in creation, whether in small groups, or at home . Make sure you are one of the first to order this volume In this volume one is commencing a study of one of the great books of the Bible, the book of Genesis There can scarcely be another part of Scripture over which so many battles, theological, scientific, historical and literary, have been fought, or so many strong opinions cherished. This book was right on target!
Note: I received this book for free from The Weaver Book Company through Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for an honest review. I am under no obligation to provide a favorable review.
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