A Grand read

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Trinitarian Devotion of John Owen

Very well written.     In this concise biography John Owen, author Sinclair Ferguson  has done a wonderful job of summarizing the life and works of this great  17th century preacher . Here was one who loved God with his mind and heart.. Writing a biography on John Owen is no easy task; a 'bite-size' one even less of an easy endeavor!  But, as one reads this book one gains a great amount of insight for such a small volume into the life and works of one of the  great Presbyterian preacher. The author covers, the history of this mans life 

. I also found myself wanting to read more from Owen .. But most assuredly, I finished the book thinking deeply about my own communion with our Triune God. This is the latest book in the series Long line of Godly men.   This volume by Dr. Sinclair Ferguson  highlight  Ow's faith and the triune God of  the Bible..

Read a sample!  http://www.ligonier.org/blog/trinitarian-devotion-john-owen-new-sinclair-ferguson-and-reformation-trust/
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review.

Thursday, December 25, 2014


This was a sermon preached to the Religious Tract Society of Charleston at the First Presbyterian
Church on June 10th, 1816.

This booklet points, out what the Bible show about conversion of a sinner, as related to passages of the scriptures - “Repent and be converted…”. This author continues in his discourse to show that a change will take place when saved; not a mere turning of he sentiment, or reformation of the manors but something more then that to which he explains .

After proclaiming what it means to be saved into the Kingdome of God, he shares some of the employment the new believer will see as their obligation. We must be ever watchful that we do not lack in piety, charity, mercy, meditation, prayer for these are some of a converted persons acts of obedience to God.

Point two gloriously shows, us that we are to be saved from sin, by Christ redeeming us and that nothing we can do has any merit towards salvation. Moving on Furman proceeds to have each of us observe the errors of the sinner’s way, which are;  those who offer prayers but their hearts are upon and in  the world.  He also has us examine one who thinks he righteous and finds fault of other but is blind to his sin. Then thirdly in his points in the errors of a sinner, Furman has us look at a hypocrite which causes us to begin examine our daily living, with fear and trembling.

Concerning the preaching of the word of God a very clear-composed account of the beliefs of the pastor are put before in this drafted document.  There for we will come away with a better understanding that salvation is committed into the hands of men to be preached but it is God that opens the heart and we can do nothing but proclaim it.

Just before the closing of the message the author gives us several points to show conclusions which we arrive at in reference of what has just been studied. 

I believe as we see a have a true understanding of how conversion happens, we will be promoting our salvation, in that we will repent and seek to be better bearers of such a holy proclamation of the gospel of our Lord and savoir Jesus Christ.  Truly you will not be disappointed with this volume but be blessed and strengthen in your faith. Sold at http://www.biblicalandsouthernstudies.com/?page=shop/browse&fsb=1&searchby=author&keyword=Furman%2C+Richard for under $2!!!

 What did you read this week>

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Reading Matters! !

 I thought I would share what I wrote!“Dig”. Poster by Sadie Wendell Mitchell showing a woman sitting in a room filled with books reading a work titled Economy. A sign with text “Do It Now” hangs on the wall above the woman’s head. Part of the artist’s “Girls Will Be Girls” poster series.

  Readers are leaders and leaders are readers. It is true that the great successful leaders read  but they did not just read any thing. They took into consideration  what they were reading.  Our founding fathers read the Bible and Pilgrim Progress! High quality literature is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. It inspires greatness and character development, and doesn't shy away from dealing with difficult topics.  The literature we delve into should teach us things! What are your children ( or we) getting out of the book? What are the  lessons.  Is it full of good language? Books were one of the first means of communication before radio, computers and TV! Yet should we read any book we find?Women Reading - thomerama: Harrison Fisher
 So you see it is not always a good thing to be reading because it is like eating. We do not consume junk food on a regular basses so neither should "fun" books be read to often.
Teach your kids it is good to always have a book with you where ever you go. I think having a variety of books to read helps stretch the mind as children seem to gravitate towards fiction.  Have a basket or bag for them and provide a history, science, Biblical book, one from anLady Emily reading “The Lady of Shalott” in her outfit inspired by Anne of Green Gables. Dress by Tara Janelle, lassofyesteryear.com.  On either side the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye, That clothe the wold and meet the sky; And thro’ the field the road runs by            To many-tower’d Camelot; And up and down the people go, Gazing where the lilies blow Round an island there below,            The island of Shalott.  Love the dress! old author and some well written fiction. 
Yellow Women Reading  All pictures fromhttp://www.pinterest.com/

 I believe that reading  biographies inspires your children, siblings and your self to look at lives that made an impact in the world. Then you will be drawn to imitating them.  This is especially true of great Christians. In these stories you are inspired to be like Christ. High quality literature is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. It inspires greatness and character development, and doesn't shy away from dealing with difficult topics. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Salt, Light and Cities on Hills Paperback – October 17, 2014 by Melvin Tinker

This a good read!Are there lessons which we can learn from our evangelical forebears? How does what they believed and acted contrast with their 21st century theological offspring? What might a biblically shaped and theologically informed co-ordination between evangelistic activity and social action look like on the ground in 21st century Britain? These are some of the questions Melvin Tinker explores in this book in the hope of moving beyond caricatured, entrenched positions to a better rounded and clearly recognizable evangelical appreciation.

He did a very god job with his book.This book is written for the church leader, and covers issues with Biblical texts. He has done a thorough research, and even gives some personal background in the book. I would say it was a good read but not one on top of my list. 

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Friday, December 19, 2014

To cute for words


I love the idea behind this book but as one reviewer stated gluing on eyes can be dangerous for kids. These hats should only be worn when an adult is around.  Nancy Neilsen's GRAMMA NANCY'S ANIMAL HATS is not only a pattern book for hats but also booties. I really anted to use this book and thought it was for knitting but it is not but for crocheting. I will have to save this book and defiantly lean this new art. Haply some can be made by knitting so my sisters and I will do these!

I love the concept behind this book!Knit up the cutest little animal hats and booties, including a pair of elephants, a cheeky monkey, and an adorable bunny hat with matching paws.  Actually it was the front that caught my eye since I love chickens. This would make perfect kids for mothers expecting !The book features matching booties and animal hats to make for a newborn or infant. Please go to http://www.randomhouse.com/book/235271/gramma-nancys-animal-hats-and-booties-too-by-nancy-nielsen to see pictures!  

"I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A must read!

I was so impressed with this  book. It is one I highly recommend to all to read.Living in an era of highly technical medicine is comforting and sometimes confusing. How should Christians make life and death decisions?

This is an adult book well worth the read. In our day and age of  cloning we really need to focus on the Bible and what is says about it. First it the author tells us the history of his new approach and then he quickly and clearly points us to the Bible for truths if we should do this. She shows us that we  should never just trust science and  medical resources  with out the Bible.  I was truly blessed by this book and will definitely recommend it to others.Overall, this is a clear concisely packaged exposition of what  Bioethics is. 

Those interested in fighting against abortion will really be blessed by the chapter in this volume. I was deeply touched by one  mothers sacrifice for her unborn baby,. she refused  cancer treatment to her little one could live! This book is a refreshing and encouraging read

This is a great book to read and understand, and small enough to finish in one or two days  but very deep with a lot to ponder.This is an excellent and very helpful book.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Story Bible

This thirty-two page board book targets four to eight year old but I really think a younger age would enjoy  more like three year olds!  I was not pleased with art work. I did not feel like they were very well drawn  but I did like back rounds and animals !

It was to be a gift for a three year old but now I will not pass it on because  her mother would not  like since they are very up on good art work having three artists in the family.

This volume was  Published - December 9, 2014 by  Zondervan Books. So this is a very new book!
Author - Diane Stortz. I would like to read more of what she has wwrittenbecause I can see she loves the Lord.
Title - The Sweetest Story Bible for Toddlers.  The front  was perfect. I would love to see a set of books like this for kids about character.
Format - hardcover (board book) Yes this is perfect  for young kids to drag around.
Find on Amazon where else would one look!

This is a new book that came out this year and cuaght my attention since I thought maybe my 8 year old sister could enjoy but I found it a little young for her since she has been reading since she was  about 6.  . Short stories and not very many different ones, mostly from the time of Jesus, I was looking for one about the old testament. All pages are sparkly and  a little too " fun."
This is sadly not a book I  would say to order.

Thanks to Book Look Bloggers for furnishing this complimentary book in exchange for a review based on the reader’s honest opinions.