A Grand read

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Shocking facts about the New Apostolic Reformation

These are two books by the same author. I got to review the  second book and was blown away by the truths in it! This book opened my eye to  NAR group.  Geivett and Pivec state that the main function of the NAR apostle is to govern the church. I was blown away by the shocking beliefs of a group that think their miracles  are greater then Jesus, have re written the Bible and  go on treasure hunts  with clues to find people to heal.

Geivett and Pivec also denounce NAR prophets because they go too far by speaking not only words that strengthen, encourage, and comfort Christians, but also prophecies that include the revelation of spiritual gifts and guidance for major life decision   

I learned these facts about  NAR

The New Apostolic Reformation

It is also the fastest growing segment, the only segment of Christianity currently growing faster than the world population and faster than Islam.The NAR represents the most radical change in the way of doing church since the Protestant Reformation

. Prophets are prominent in the Bible, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.  See what the Bible really says vs. the NAR group.Many people will not recognize this movement by its formal name -- the "New Apostolic Reformation" -- including even many of the movement's participants. This book will warn you to know when you see a person in this group.  The New Apostolic Reformation is made up of hundreds of churches and organizations that are led by apostles and prophets who share a distinct theology. Many of these churches and organizations have joined "apostolic networks." These apostolic networks are made up of, in some cases, hundreds of churches and organizations that submit to the leadership of a single apostle, such as Harvest International Ministry--a network of over 12,000 churches and organizations under NAR apostle Ché Ahn.

NAR leaders teach that God began restoring the office of prophet to the church in the 1980s and the office of apostle in the 1990s  For more information do read this book! I learned so much from it!!!!!!!!!!!

Full Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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