This was a sermon preached to the Religious Tract Society of Charleston at the First Presbyterian
Church on June 10th, 1816.
This booklet points, out what the Bible show about conversion of a sinner, as related to passages of the scriptures - “Repent and be converted…”. This author continues in his discourse to show that a change will take place when saved; not a mere turning of he sentiment, or reformation of the manors but something more then that to which he explains .
After proclaiming what it means to be saved into the Kingdome of God, he shares some of the employment the new believer will see as their obligation. We must be ever watchful that we do not lack in piety, charity, mercy, meditation, prayer for these are some of a converted persons acts of obedience to God.
Point two gloriously shows, us that we are to be saved from sin, by Christ redeeming us and that nothing we can do has any merit towards salvation. Moving on Furman proceeds to have each of us observe the errors of the sinner’s way, which are; those who offer prayers but their hearts are upon and in the world. He also has us examine one who thinks he righteous and finds fault of other but is blind to his sin. Then thirdly in his points in the errors of a sinner, Furman has us look at a hypocrite which causes us to begin examine our daily living, with fear and trembling.
Concerning the preaching of the word of God a very clear-composed account of the beliefs of the pastor are put before in this drafted document. There for we will come away with a better understanding that salvation is committed into the hands of men to be preached but it is God that opens the heart and we can do nothing but proclaim it.
Just before the closing of the message the author gives us several points to show conclusions which we arrive at in reference of what has just been studied.
I believe as we see a have a true understanding of how conversion happens, we will be promoting our salvation, in that we will repent and seek to be better bearers of such a holy proclamation of the gospel of our Lord and savoir Jesus Christ. Truly you will not be disappointed with this volume but be blessed and strengthen in your faith. Sold at http://www.biblicalandsouthernstudies.com/?page=shop/browse&fsb=1&searchby=author&keyword=Furman%2C+Richard for under $2!!!
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