A Grand read

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Product DetailsThis  author is  also the  artiest of her book. an interesting twist on the  War  as this  one  is  done in beautiful poetry. I like  both  these  aspects  studying the war  and poetry. I found it  a very moving  work of  a  masterpiece . This author pours  out her heart  since she  lived during this time. Add it  to your collection and you will not be disappointed.

Happy Birthday

I don't know  how much parents  will like this book as  it might  drive  them crazy but I know children will love  pressing the  button over  and over again. I  gave  it to a little  two year old for his  birthday and he walks  around the  house  singing " happy birthday " in his own cute  voice.  As you can tell this book is  all about  the  wondrous things  called  a birthday.  I got it  early to preview  for you all. It  comes  out  at  the  end of  August  I think the  23rd. Two to five  year olds  will love  this  7  by 8 inch sturdy board  book. 16 pages  at a good reasonable price  $12.99.  look for  it on amazon.

Michelle  Adams  knows kids  well having  two her  self. The art  work is fun and done by Sandra  Rodriguz who uses  watercolor.

This book will be a treasured volume  to read  each birthday.

Board book

I was given an advance  copy of  this  book to read  for  which I am very thankful.  It blessed  some little ones  ages  2  and 4  , yesterday. This book comes out  August  9th. This is  a board  book well suited for little hands. They will love  the picture  and  the  rhyming  message. A very bright book full of  colorful pictures  to keep your little one  preoccupied  for  hours! This book has  a great  message  that  we are  all made in the  image  of  God. The author  could have done better by putting in some handy caped  children.  Jill has  done  a wonderful job  writing this  kids  book but  Amy has  captured the  child's  attention even more. This is  a  book both  parents  and children will applicate.

I thank first  look and  worthy publishing for  the book.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thinking Differently about Suffering

I really felt comfortable  with  this  book since John and I share the  same  doctrine  background. The  author  write in an engaging  manner as  he  tries   to  trust  God  knowing  He  is  all wise. Every christian's will have  why's  when face  with  great  suffering wither in your own life or others. John shares  hos his  wife's  incurable illness  shook  his life  and  the lessons  God used.  

Are  you equipped to deal with  tragedies just because you are a  Christian? Is  it  wrong  to question God? Follow  the  author  as he  shares is insight. Even if you are  not  in the  middle of  a  suffering this  book can be  useful to help one  know what  not  to say and  to say to another  grieving person.

I felt very blessed  to read  this book on suffering  and triumph in Christ  alone. 

I highly recommend this book for those who are going through suffering, have experienced it in the past and who know others  who are . It  will help you understand why they are  acting in ways they are. 

This book was provided free of charge by Kregel Book Tours in exchange for an honest review

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A world war II boook

 This  is a  murder  mystery with  a  touch of  romance  it which is  set  in London in World  War  II.  The author claims her  story is  based  on true facts.  The  events  take place during the  London  Blitz  in 1940. The detective finds a  body which every one  suspects  was killed  by a  bomb but on a  closer look he  finds she was murdered.   Questions arise  why? And How? This  turns  into a  very tangled  mess. I found it a  fine  read  but not  one  i would read  again, yet  there  were  lots of  twists  to this  story.

The author  did  a  good  job  to transport  one  back to London. One  can learn a lot  about how it  was  to live in this  place  during the  war. Yet I did not like that  they had to put a women in it as  he describes  her  an attractive  American war corespondent.  This almost distracts  the  detective  from his  duties.

Apart from this point  I did enjoy!

I received this book from the publisher through Kregel  in exchange for my honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Divine Grace

I enjoyed  this  book as it  was  a true  story. Lona  shows  that  faith  in  God  pulled  her  through  when she lost her  husband  to a  sad  divorce and  almost  lost her daughter to rebellion.   Follow   this teen  age  girl in her journey to true faith  in God. If you have  a  child who is  rebellious ad won't  do anything  you ask then this  is  a good  book for you. Not a book on parenting advice to tell you exactly what  to do . This  one is  a  true  story  and you can learn a lot  of  lessons of how  during her time  of grieving  for  her  husband she had  to take  on a new  roll of  parenting all alone.

This book points to God' grace  and gives  him all the  glory.

Thank you Olive  press  for the  book to review.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Mommy Needs a Raise

Mommy Needs a Raise: (Because Quitting's Not a Option)

A  light  and  easy   reading  trying  to help mothers get  through  their  days. Lots of  insight  from  Sarah's  life  about raising children in a  laughable written way.
I just did not like that  she   put  a lot  of  emphases  on working  from home. I felt like  she never  came  home. She use to have  a job  out  side  the  home as a lawyer. She now  spends her days  selling on E-bay but  calls her self  a mother. Some  times  I wondered if her  children were pushed  aside.
I had never read  anything by this author  so thought  it might  be good  to give her a try. I did find her style  very witty and funny.

But in the  end  my heart  was  very sad because  I felt like she was saying  children make you waist your life.
I received a copy of this book from Revell in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Words to Live By

 The  quote on the back of the  book " Words  have the  power  to change  lives." Really touched me! That is  why I  decided to read  this  book!

I wanted  to love  this book to savor it  but i just found  each page  to short.This book is publicized as a book   where  52  ordinary words lead  to n extraordinary life.. I was looking forward to reading this book . However, I was greatly confused and disappointed by this book. To clarify, I read many Christian books a year and am able to glean from authors of various denominations and beliefs. This book, however I found wishy-washy and void of depth.  I got the impression that the author promotes the idea that God loves who however you are and you don't even have to try to be a more godly person.... can you understand my confusion now? Again, this book is confusing in that it has some good points regarding other humans but isn't very strong or Biblical concerning our God who is not only a loving God but also a perfectly Righteous and Just God! 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Texas Gold Novel


I love  history so this  front  caught my eye.  I as  surprised  at  the  content  .  This is  the  4th book in the  series. For me it is  a first  and a last  for  me. I am getting very tired of  romances  where the  guy thinks he is in love with a  different girl till some one else  just seems to drop from the  sky.

I tried  to like  this  book but I just  could not get into it. .  The charters  Leta  and  Nathan did not  jump out at  me..  Inf act  I did  not  like  how  one  of  Leta's  friend  seems to have  no  moral standers  and drifts  from guy to guy.  It might have  been good  if  less  romance had  been thrown into it.

Most  people  will like it if they want  a romance. The  setting is in Texas  and is very political.

Thanks  Revell for the book to review.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

101 Practical lessons using God's word

 A short  book that a  mother  can read  a page  each  night  or each night  to help her with  her day. This is a well written book with  lessons  about  raising children.  Each one  page  chapter  has a page  beside it with  a picture of  a child. Very good  insight  all pulled from the  scriptures. One of those books every mother  should  write  fro their  children but  never  do.   An easy yet  encouraging read  which busy mothers  will enjoy..

Thank you  olive  press  fro the  book to review

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Rages to Riches to True Riches in Christ!

From the Projects to the Palace: A Rags to Riches to True Riches Story

I love  it when I read  a good book that  makes  me  cry and laugh  at the same time. That is  just what this book did!  I was looking forward to reading this book a chapter  every day  for ten days but once I began it I could not put it down and read it very quickly!  This is an unusual memoir/autobiography by Greg  Hershberg about his his  life.  There is a lot about his father.  As you read you will understand  why the author didso  This  book is really impressive as it reveals the devotion and love Gregs father showed towards his wife, and the grace God gave  Greg. I liked  how it  shows  that riches  don't  make  one happy.  And that  faith  has to be  more than traditions.
Overall I was amazed and impressed by the love shared throughout this confusing life. I was  not  so sure  about  the fact that  he  and his wife  both  saw  Jesus in Israel but I over  looked this point because I had  to since I was falling  in love with this read. 
 I am a history lover so I really enjoyed  learning what it was like to grow up Jewish during the 1960s and 1970s.
This  book points to Jesus  and gives  him all the glory.  One cannot read this book and be unchanged. This book is another testimony to God's faithfulness.From the first chapter, I was grabbed by this heart-touching, convicting, motivating book. One can tell that the author  know his  topic , after all it is  a book about himself! It was easy to understand yet convicting. Needless to say, I do recommend this book for all audiences!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. 

It was pretty good for the most part.

Skip Rock Shallows (Copper Brown, #3)  This  should  have been posted on the 5th. Sorry about this.

Don't ask me why I was reading this book. Actually, do because I have a valid explanation: I was given a copy of this book. . But this book is really not worth reading. I will admit I was interested in it and wanted to find out what happened . The writing wasn't terrible although there were confusing areas. I did not really like the girl to much of wanting to lead even when ,married. Also she left her husband to be very quickly fro a guy she had know when younger but had not seen in years. Are all love stories the same? (less)
This was my first book by this author.  Maybe  my last.  I felt the Gospel could have been clearer. Skip Rock Shallows by Jan Watson takes readers into a small coal town where at first the idea of a lady doctor is rejects. Only after saving a young miner she starts to win there trust but even then it is slow and not all want her there.  There wasn't a lot of drama, which i am thankful .A pleasantly rustic tale, set in the coal mining community of Skip Rock, Kentucky.

Lilly Corbett is a young woman who has set her foot on the rough path of being a lady doctor to a old fashioned, coal mining community.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Kids Bible

A very good  Bible  for  children.

My First Hands-On Bible  is a wonderful book full of  hands on activities that bring the  Bible  alive. Use it  at  home or in Sunday schools for great lessons geared towards children 3-6 years of age.  This Bible uses scriptures to tell the stories  not some one else writing their own  words based on Gods holy scriptures. Very interesting  how  at the end of each chapter  their is a question or  a note pointing out  how  Jesus is to be  found in all the stories  even if  he is  not  mentioned. 

Each story is a perfect length 3-5  pages so that  children do not get board but actually want to read  more.  The activities really help the  children  know the stories.

I got this book from Tyndale to review.

Those Who Have Ears, Let Them Hear

This book I know I had to read since the back ( pictured below) made  me think of  Jordan Rubin and his book Makers Diet. 

He had the same sickness as Dr J. Michaels- picture of  Jordan below Image result for jordan rubin.

I wanted to see what this author had to say. A lot of what the author states on thee heath side was right on track with what I believe and I would know since I  read every heath book I can lay my hands on!  Yet again, I am blessed to read and review a wonderful book on suffering and triumph through faith in Jesus!  I highly recommend this book for those who are going through suffering, have experienced it in the past and who, like me have never gone through anything major as the author but I do have  a high mold allergy.  I fought this for years with out knowing what it was.

When all seems lost, where can hope be found?  The author shows us that their is natural way  to be  well but in the end he points all the glory to God. How can my words describe the beauty and value of this book? From the first chapter, I knew this book would be a favorite of mine. As I read, my first impression was not unfounded. This book really, really touched my heart. I sensed the great peace and joy that this family had, which can only come from a relationship with Jesus Christ!Whether God has already given you strength to make it through a hard time, or you have no idea how you're going to get through another day, you need to read this book. 

This book is  not all about heath but focuses a lot on the  spiritual side of life- all part of the healing. Do not miss this beautiful and God-glorifying book.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.