Once I began reading, I could not put it down until I had finished this book, because I cried and laughed all the way along. The honesty from the author shows how mistakes can change lives if you don't know the truth. It is a well written book and enables an understanding of what goes through a young girl's mind when facing a huge problem on her own about an unexpected pregnancy. It is a story of struggle with secret guilt over a misinformed decision- not knowing at age 17 that life begins from day 1 of the baby being in the womb, forgiveness over and over, and finally acceptance of God's forgiveness and grace. Now the author is sharing this story so others won't murder their kids.
The only negative thing I have to say about this book is the length. It would be great as a shorter book so it could be passed out to those considering abortion because if they read it this wonderful moving book might change their life. I trust some day the author will revise her book so it can be passed out to millions. as a shorter tract it would be great to give out at abortion clinics!
To order go here " http://www.lifesentencepublishing.com/my-babys-feet-blog-tour/ or on Amazon!
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Life Sentence Publishing.
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