STARTING AT THE FINISH LINE has a subtitle; The Gospel Of Grace For Mormons. John B.
Wallace begins with an explanation of the Law of God, showing us our condemnation under the law for our disobedience and sin. I found this book insightful as I had done a little research on this religion! If one ever encounters such people, ( there are a lot of them performing in Branson), one has to know how to reach them!
Wallace grew up an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints—thus he was a Mormon, so he can really reach us how to reach a hurting people!
Wallace was a Mormon for twenty years and many of his family are still so, thus we can see where his heart is burdened!. In this volume he points out all the errors in the thinking of these people. He no longer believes Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, because as he points out a prophet is not a prophet unless all the prophecies come true!
. He shares how being good , can never bring us salvation.
I highly recommend this book.
Do read today!!
Free book received in exchange for the review.
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