Please take time
Please take time to tell your children the entire story of God's
love in sending his son. How did it all start? This short
children's book is perfect. It begins with creation and covers
the resurrection. I loved the authors idea behind the story
she wanted to share the message with two young boys and
could not find the right book, so she wrote her own. Lots of
great Bible verses. Pictures will keep a child happy!
One page a day for 26 days before Christmas is a great way
to use this book.
I could say more but it is time you pick it for your church, Sunday school, school, library, as gifts and for yourself. Use it now and keep as a treasure to bring out each winter. Also pass it out at your churches outreach programs and nursing homes.
Charming in part this story has a captivating plot. Lillian has an artificial leg but this can't stop her rom helping out. But can her brothers best friend change everything. No time for romance or from a navy officer who wants to stop her work, she must get head alone. Arch, learns some lessons when his life takes a turn for the worst. This he learns is also a miracle sent from heaven
This new novel by author Sarah Sundin is very well written.The book was fast-paced and interesting to read; one definitely understood each and ever character and didn't have a hard time following the tale. . Since I love anything vintage and am interested in world war 2 biographies, movies, and more I was delighted when I discovered author Sarah Sundin's books a little while ago. Since, I have quickly ''devoured'' every single book she has published and eagerly look forward to reading more of her works! My sister has Through deep waters by this author and I have enjoyed it too ( the parts I have read. Some day I will read all of it).
First, I just want to say that Sarah Sundin does an absolutely amazing job in researching her settings. One would think that she knew every detail of what she wrote about it
I was sent a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.
About the author:
Sarah Sundin is the author of With Every Letter, On Distant Shores, In Perfect Time, and the Wings of Glory series. In 2014, On Distant Shores was a finalist for the Golden Scroll Awards from both AWSA and the Christian Authors Network. In 2011, Sarah received the Writer of the Year Award at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. A graduate of UC San Francisco School of Pharmacy, she works on call as a hospital pharmacist. During WWII, her grandfather served as a pharmacist's mate (medic) in the Navy and her great-uncle flew with the US Eighth Air Force in England. Sarah lives in California with her husband and three children.
A good short read . I enjoyed this book written by a special needs teacher, who really ahs a heart for children. This book shows how her life touches other but that even those with problems can teach one lessons! God has a reason for putting everyone and anyone in your path, don't overlook every person you meet.I sat up one night reading the entire book. I will read it again and again.Not only that but I cried and laughed over it. It should be given to every special needs teacher, parent and doctor. Do read it! I absolutely loved reading this book; it was the kind that you enjoy reading every week and really pondering each chapter. I already know of a friend who would love a copy from amazon. Some books I find a bore, and many I just whiz through but this one I really enjoyed taking my time over each page- each paragraph!. Each chapter was different and full of important lessons and thoughts. I really hope to even go back and do an even deeper study of the book.
A collection of letters mothers have written to encourage other mother. This book has great thought put into it. The husband of AMBER collected over 600 hundred letters from mothers all across the world. Then he out them together as a gift for is wife. Nice little book but I was not crazy abut it. It seems to be a one read and then meant to passed on. I am not a mother ( yet ) but already know of my dear friend mother of 3 under 5 who will benefit from this read.Lovley photographs- a lot of them are mothers with their children. Very interesting chapter titles
I received a copy of this book from Revell for review purposes. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.
A charming tale you will fall in love with! It is set during the war of 1812 and very well written. Of course it is a historical romance and the hero is Fiona a girl. It all starts out with the sudden news of her brothers capture on a British ship and then mysteriously an English solider is washed up half dead on the beach. Charlie claims to not know anything about the reason he was sent to America, but he is suspected as a spy. Fiona has her duties to fulfill but she is falling under the spell of this enchanting handsome lover. She must see him but will it cost her , her life?
Beth White's day job is teaching music at an inner-city high school in historic Mobile, Alabama. A native Mississippian, she writes historical romance with a Southern drawl and is the author of The Pelican Bride and The Creole Princess. Her novels have won the American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award, the RT Book Club Reviewers' Choice Award, and the Inspirational Reader's Choice Award. Learn more at
This book has already become a favorite Sunday read for a little beautiful curly bond three year old and her handsome 1 year old brother. It is so cute to see them head of to church taking turns to bring the special book with them. lots of bright pages to engage your children. This wonderful collection of short Bible stories is a great way to begin teaching the scriptures. When I first gave this book to the children, the 3 year took it to bed with her and ran to get the following day for church! Beautiful pictures and well-written for toddlers, preschool and kindergarten little ones..
A story about two girls and the life they live. This story is based on a true story of the lives of two cousins. Nora and Phoebe are best friends and do everything together. This is an old fashioned story . I let my sisters read it and the 9 year old got board of it but the 13 year old thought it was pretty good. Learn lessons in this story; how to turn unlikable chores into play and fun. This small short chapter book is set in the 1900's before cars and other modern inventions. Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 180 pages which is the perfect length for a young 10_12 year old to read or to be read out loud by the mother to her children or an older sibling.
very well written book with many practical recipes. With over 70 recipes one can not go wrong with this book! Recipes in all categories to please everyone!This cookbook is not only lovely, it looks very useful and practical as well. This new cookbook is a must-have for every household! As you may have noticed by now, I have a thing for healthy cookbooks. And as a final note, although I would love to keep it I have actually made the sacrificial decision to give it as a wedding gift this spring! I just hope I have time to make a few of the recipes o else I just might have to save up and purchase this cookbook!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.
What can I say about a book that brings you to tears at the magnitude of God's wondrous love for his people Miracle of Israel: The Shocking, Untold Story of God’s Love for His People by Gary Frazier & Jim Fletcher starts out with an amazing story of how God saved the Israel army today , not just in Bible past. A must read as one needs to know that God does indeed still do miracles. This is the history of he Jews, much we already know but then there are so many modern uplifting stories that we probably have over looked. How often do e follow Israel's wars. We should to be amazed at our God. The author points all the Glory to God. This is an out standing book that pastors will want to read. It opens your eyes to understanding this small country better. The history of the Bible which we have read a million times come alive! I encourage you to read this book as it is not too long so you will not be board- in fact you will want it to continue.
I am not sure I agree with all the doctrine but again I am not an expert on this subject, I will do a little more studying,
About the Authors: Gary Frazier is the founder and President of Discovery Missions. He is a respected speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy and current events, has appeared on numerous documentaries, the History Channel, and national radio programs. Authoring numerous books, he is a contributor to the Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible, The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy, and travels nationally speaking in many of America’s largest churches. He has degrees from Criswell College, Southwestern Seminary and Louisiana Baptist University, his Doctor of Humanities degree from Liberty University and Doctor of Divinity from International Seminary in Plymouth, FL. Jim Fletcher is an accomplished writer, speaker, and editor, as well as published author of books which include The Last War and other books related to prophecy. He has written articles for WorldNetDaily, RaptureReady, Beliefnet, The Jerusalem Post and the American Family Association. A member of the executive committee of the National Christian Leadership Conference for Israel (NCLCI), Jim’s weekly blog can be found at under the Israel Watch section
The style of writing was good. writing style is quite good and engaging. Almost too engaging at times! This book was hard to put down; easy to follow and captivating. I will most certainly read all the books in the series when they come out. I want to follow the family history. A will sent to a girl outside of Scotland. How does this settle with the clan. find out.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. Thanks!