Born in Scotland on March 23, 1813 David Livingstone set out twenty-seven years later in 1849 to become a medical missionary in Africa. The first thing he set himself about mastering, upon having reached the vast content of Africa was the difficult and numerous languages. Four years succeeding his landing in this hostile country he married the daughter of Dr. Robert Moffat, leader of the African mission station where Livingstone worked. As, the years swiftly sped by not only was Livingstone able to construct several mission stations but he became egar to explore deeper into the vast wilderness of Africa. Leaving, his work in 1849 Livignstone acting as interpreter for two hunters traveled for two months where he reached Lake Nagami. Accounts of the white man’s first sight of this lake caused much interest in England and at that moment the life of adventure and seeking unknown horizons became a vital part in Livignstones mission. About a year later traveling once more with his two companies Livingstone came upon the mighty waters of the upper Lombezi River. Diligently he pondered over several questions which kept rising in his mind causing him to be curios as to if this rushing body of water connect with the Congo? Without warning he was unable to set out upon a new exploration because he battled malaria but this did not dampen his sprits.

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