wow! It has been a week since I posted but it was well worth the wait. I was deeply touched by this book! It made me reconsider many things about what true love
really is all about.
I have always felt a concern for people of the Islamic faith and worried that American Christians are perhaps 'turning them off' by their lack of patience and love. This is a challenging, convicting, uplifting book. It will even challenge you to examine your heart! It will push you to seek God. I highly recommend this volume!
Fearless Love gives answers and tools to overcome terrorism with transformation. It is written for those curious about the basic teachings of Islam, how God gives faith that overcomes the fear of suffering and death, how to reach out to Muslims, and how a relationship with Jesus Christ brings us to a growing fearless love. The Biblical teaching of martyrdom is a call to purposeful living and a bold witness of faith. The fifty true stories of courageous Christians and illustrations will bring encouragement, inspiration, and hope in these precarious days. Fearless Love is formatted as an eight week study that works well in small groups, Sunday schools, or as a personal study. It concludes with seventeen practical suggestions in sharing God's love with others. Rediscovering Jesus' Spirit of Martyrdom is certain to demonstrate to the reader the profound power of christian love.

Pastor Witt is the author of Fearless Love, In the Midst of Terror and founder of Spirit of Martyrdom ministries. He has spoken in over 2,000 churches and Christian ministries in the United States, traveled throughout Canada and Mexico, visited fifteen countries in Europe, and spent three weeks in Israel at the Holy Land Institute for Biblical Studies. He has traveled to 46 nations total in his lifetime. He spent ten years as a mission representative for The Voice of the Martyrs.

His assistance to the persecuted church has taken him to 18 restricted nations. He has brought support and encouragement to believers in Laos, Sudan, Iran, Turkey, and Azerbaijan. He has preached in underground church meetings and taught in Bible schools in Vietnam, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia. In China, he met with house church leaders and personally witnessed their triumphant faith and courage. Most recently, he met with persecuted Christians in Mauritania, India, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, and Colombia. His heart has been touched, and his life changed, by their actions of love and faithfulness to Jesus, even when facing death. Pastor Witt desires to share their stories. He states, “The Church in America functions in greatest maturity when relationally connected to the persecuted family around the world. Jesus is not returning for an arm or leg but for the Bride of Christ.”

David earned his Bachelor’s of Arts Degree, graduating with honors from Westmont College, a Christian liberal arts college in Santa Barbara, CA. He was ordained a Pastor and Minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ in 1994, and spent a total of fourteen years in youth ministry. During this time he helped start a network of Christian youth ministries in his local area of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and participated in the Ministerial Alliance of Steamboat Springs. Pastor Witt was actively involved in Young Life, leading mission trips to inner city Denver and the country of Mexico, and was the Area Coordinator for Concerts of Prayer and National Day of Prayer.

David’s wife, Cindy, holds a Bachelor’s of Arts
His blog is at
Any young adult or adult on a long car trip needs to order this as audio as this is so touching! Can be found at
For all others interested in this book please o to
I was pleased to receive this book from
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