This book not only teaches the female reader about herself but it also teaches her about other women, because women share a common thread; they are emotional beings. I encourage Dolores Kimball to keep writing as this is an encouraging book backed by scripture. I look forward to reading more books by her.
This book not only teaches the female reader about herself but it also teaches her about other women, because women share a common thread; they are emotional beings. Props to Dolores Kimball for writing an encouraging book backed by scripture. I look forward to reading more books by her.
Please get this book and read it slowly... and take notes! I think I need this book close by, to keep re-reading. You will not be disappointed!
Cross Focused Reviews provided me this book in exchange for my honest opinion. And I am so glad that they did :)
Your entire review is plagiarized, phrases lifted word for word from reviews of the author's first book. Did you even read this?