Too Many to Jail (The Story of Iran’s New Christians)
Author: Mark Bradley
This book tells the history of Christians in Iran, the struggles they've been through, and are still going through, and the miracles of more people coming to Christ in this Islamic country. There have been some Church building allowed to stand for a while, but later being closed with people being arrested and in some instances being jailed for a long time o killed.
Excellent book about the Christians and church in Iran. It has lots of information about house churches, the evangelism methods of the Christians and even stories of how some of the leaders of the house churches came to know Christ.
Some portions further on in the book were rather descriptive and graphic but important in the journey to realisation of what our brothers and sisters in foreign lands endure for the name of Christ!
Thanks or the free book Kregel
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Monday, July 27, 2015
A Bride at last...
This was too much of a romance novel for me.
I don't recommend this book to anyone. I received a free copy of this book from Bethany Publishing House in exchange for my honest review.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
In the Summer of 1945....

Ray's faith was put to the test when his Bible was taken from him. See how God was still his all in all in this well written book.
In between Ray's story, Betty's letters are integrated every few chapters. The letters begin as her letters to her parents at the beginning of the war describing her life as a nurse in France, and they end with her letters to her future husband,
A must read ! Very good front n this touching story. Thanks Tyndale for letting me review this fantastic chapter book!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Direct Hit

Being a mystrery I can not disclouse more info but I am very thankful that Krengel let me review this fantastic read!
The author has obviously done his research well with a great attention to detail that brings both the characters and the environment alive.
Your Sacred Yes

Your Sacred Yes by Susie Larson is a Christian living and women's issue book that gets at the guilt and shame that women have in saying "yes" to all sorts of obligations and needs that cause tiredness, fatigue, and a feeling of being overwhelmed. This book was a book on how to let go to fill more happy and blessed in life. It did not seem, to help one know how to let go of the right things.
I found this book shallow and all the verses were from the Message which is one of the poorest versions of the Bible. She is very redundant in her writing She is trying to write a good sized book when she should have stuck to a very short booklet instead.
She talks a lot about falling in love with Jesus which is a poor term to use. She does not know the right doctrine so should be careful in her wording. Falling in love is a " all about me" love which is what I get she is saying a life with Christ. Basically do nothing and get blessed.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
This was a book that I thought would be good but it just lacked something in it. I tried to read it again , because I wanted to enjoy it but I could not find myself fitting in to it.
Perhaps the writing style got to me. It was a very negative book showing the life of Daniel. It did not seem as practical as it could be. Also the theology was a bit wrong- showing we do not have top get involved.
*I was given a complimentary copy of the book for the purpose of giving this review. all opinions are my own.
Monday, July 20, 2015
The Lost Garden
This is about two women who are put together for reason, which is unknown to either of them.
At their new home, they discover a door rusted shut and once opened, they discover a neglected garden. Sound familiar ( that is why I chose this book- I wanted to see if it could be as good as th classic one we all love? Like the Frances Hodgson Burnett classic, The Secret Garden, this area has been grossly neglected and holds secrets of its own. As Marin tries to make sense of her new role as guardian and weathers the testy waters of her niece's adolescent years, the garden becomes a place of solace and rejuvenation.
Mixed in with the story of Marin and Rebecca, the reader also learns about the life of the house's previous occupants and the events that led to the creation of the garden. I love the dual story line and the glimpse at how each character deals with the tragedies in their life. This book will appeal to a variety of readers: fans of English settings, coming of age struggles, history enthusiasts and even mystery lovers.
*This book was provided for review by Kregel Publications*
The Good Spy
he Good Spy is Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer Kai Bird’s compelling portrait of the remarkable life and death of one of the most important operatives in CIA history – a man who, had he lived, might have helped heal the rift between Arabs and the West.
On April 18, 1983, a bomb exploded outside the American Embassy in Beirut, killing 63 people. The attack was a geopolitical turning point. It marked the beginning of Hezbollah as a political force, but even more important, it eliminated America’s most influential and effective intelligence officer in the Middle East – CIA operative Robert Ames. What set Ames apart from his peers was his extraordinary ability to form deep, meaningful connections with key Arab intelligence figures. Some operatives relied on threats and subterfuge, but Ames worked by building friendships and emphasizing shared values – never more notably than with Yasir Arafat’s charismatic intelligence chief and heir apparent Ali Hassan Salameh (aka “The Red Prince”). Ames’ deepening relationship with Salameh held the potential for a lasting peace. Within a few years, though, both men were killed by assassins, and America’s relations with the Arab world began heading down a path that culminated in 9/11, the War on Terror, and the current fog of mistrust.
Very well written and informative. It also has a section with photographs from his life
This is mostly a story of the Mid-East in the 1970s-80s, an era we've basically forgotten. It has some of the life of Robert Ames thrown in. I thought it was very cleaverly written so one can learn about two things at ounce.
"I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."
Marriage on the Mend

I highly recommend this book for any couple who is having issues weather in marriage or not. The authors went through divorce and separation for many years and ended up getting remarried and they tell of their hardships and advice on getting back on track with your relationship to help heal it. It shows the Biblical way of not getting remarried after a divorce. I greatly appreciated their take on what I think is a Biblical issue so many avoid!
The authors write, “there is no relationship in such a state of ruin that it remains beyond God’s reach”. The Braggs were divorced eleven years and “He raised their relationship from the dead in 2002″. It is not easy. It will take work. Compromise. Forgiveness. Understanding. But it can be done. Great book for Bible studies.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Kregel Publications. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
God can do it!

Not a bad book but for some reason even though Carey shares from her heart I feel like I could not really connect with the author. She does have a beautiful writing style.This book was pretty good! Carey Scott writes with such honesty and truth . . However this book did not fulfill my personal needs;Personally, I found this book hard to get in to. It requires a full attention span and dilligence in reading; something I am sure many Bible scholars have a full store of. I do usually, but sometimes I run into books I just can't quite digest as well. Nevertheless, I read the entire book and thought it was interesting. I simply must re-read it at a different time and concentrate on each chapter more thoroughly.. Instead I read pages after page of people's faults. I didn't see God's love and mercy in the book like I had hoped.
Thank you Revell publishing for giving me a complimentary copy of this book for review.
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
This book was a gift from Revell for sharing my review with you.
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