A Grand read

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Quaker Bride...

I was surprised that this one was enjoyable , even if it was a bit to long.   I don't read much fiction, but I have a fondness for historical fiction.  I have not read the entire series but hope to some day.

   I have always been an avid reader. Growing up, I loved historical fiction. Now that I am an adult, I still enjoy speed-reading books for a younger audience in the hopes of finding new favorites for my siblings as well as my future children. Although there are many wonderful books for children and young adults which are not particularly Christian (think Little House and such), it is always great to be able to provide books for your children which reinforce Biblical truths and grace. I have found that Susan's books stay true to the Christian faith without becoming fake or unrealistic.
Unusually for Christian works of fiction, her books are also quite exciting. These books make splendid read-aloud as well as personal reading books. And despite the fact that the faith message was indeed good, I found that it was lost beneath the romance aspect of the story. Teenage sex is a major, although discreet, topic in this book. 
There are some violent and graphic moments in this book which may be too much for younger readers. However, I think it is excellent for teenagers on up!

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. Thank you!

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