Alister McGrath
Readers familiar with Lewis’s fictional writing in the 7 volumes of The Chronicles of Narnia will appreciate McGrath’s explanation of many of the images Lewis employed. There was a lot brought out about his life but the author excuses him to much.
Imagine having lunch with C.S. Lewis. What questions would you want to ask him? That's exactly what Alister McGrath invites us to do in his book, "If I Had Lunch With C.S. Lewis". Mc Grath states, "See the book as my invitation to you, my reader, to sit down with Lewis and me in some quiet place to think about some of the persistent questions and dilemmas every human being faces in this life."
Through this book we experience eight imaginary lunches with C.S. Lewis, exploring a different topic at each one. With these eight topics we discover more about C.S. Lewis the man, his transformation from atheist to Christian, and his thoughts which led him to write his books, such as the Chronicles of Narnia and Mere Christianity.
Did you know C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings) were friends and members of the same writers' group? Read this book to find out more. Yet the author does not go into what was wrong with his life and thinking. Tries to make a good christian out of him. I was disappointed with it.
C.S. Lewis was a longtime atheist, who admitted how easily he had been taken in by it. He said that we are easily "spellbound, caught up in a secular and secularising metanarrative that insists our destiny and good lie in this world" (p. 59). He warned that our educational system was "designed to suppress our deepest instincts about right and wrong, and open the way to an insipid moral relativism" (p. 136). but he never says what to turn to.
(Tyndale House Publishers provided a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes)
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