Call of a Coward Hardcover
by Marcia Moston
This was a wonderful read! So often I feel like the author, I promise God something but do not think he really wants me too do it. She saw that promising God she would follow Him wherever He lead was that she just might have to go. This book showed me I must give up for Christ now! An honest and encouraging story of an extraordinary God working in the life of ordinary people. I felt like I was stepping into her life and walking with her in all her ups and downs!If you're considering this book but are fearful it's just another dry missionary story, think again! In Call of a Coward, Marcia Moston shares her story as a reluctant witness with vivid detail and engaging storytelling. It was like reading a novel and falling in love with its characters. I wanted to know what happened next, how it happened, and how they handled it. An entertaining, uplifting, true tale of strength in the face of fear.
Call of a Coward was a story of someone who's struggles I could completely identify with, and when I finished I saw how God moves in his own way but always walks by our side. She was called to go to a Mayan village in Guatemala, Marcia Moston had to wonder if she was crazy! We need more people like that in the world . Those who obey Gods call right away! She followed God where ever he lead trusting him all the way!
Written with humor and insight, Call of a Coward is a good read. I felt like this was a letter to me from a dear friend.
"Obedience is not for the faint of heart. We are ll faint with out Christ! I felt like this trip was me taking it and not some one else. I could almost taste and see the land After this I got very excited and could not stop reading about others who served in lands around the world and dreaming big! I read this book in a day! Then read it again. Then gave it to a friend as a gift to bless her in her life
This book showed me that we must serve God . Do read and you will then pray for God to use you daily!
A little about the author
Although I hold degrees from the University of Vermont and Trinity Theological seminary, most of what I've learned has been by the proverbial seat of my pants. I've taught English in a Christian high school, worked with orphans in a Mayan village in Guatemala, led mission teams throughout Central America, delivered Yellowbooks, stuffed vending machines, and lived in everything from tepees to parsonages.
I love to share the stories of what a very real God can do with the smallest of our offerings. My debut nonfiction, Call of a Coward: The God of Moses and the Middle-Class Housewife, is the winner of the 2010 Women of Faith writing contest.
http://www.booksneeze.com/ let me review this for free. all my own thoughts !
I could go on an on but that would give it away!
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