Great book: The Tower of Babel
Tower of Babel (Bodie Hodge)
The Tower of Babel: The Cultural History of Our Ancestors reveals our shared ancestry as never before! Many are familiar with the Biblical account of Babel, but after the dispersal, there was a void beyond Biblical history until empires like Rome and Greece arose. Now, discover the truth of these people groups and their civilizations that spread across the earth and trace their roots back to Babel as well as to the sons and grandsons of Noah.
The Tower of Babel: The Cultural History of Our Ancestors reveals our shared ancestry as never before! Many are familiar with the Biblical account of Babel, but after the dispersal, there was a void beyond Biblical history until empires like Rome and Greece arose. Now, discover the truth of these people groups and their civilizations that spread across the earth and trace their roots back to Babel as well as to the sons and grandsons of Noah.

Since history is one of my favourite things to study and I enjoy all aspects relating to the Bible , I was quite intrigued by this book. And I was not disappointed. . This book in not a recouting of the story we all know but one who tells the complex family trees beginning with Noah and his family. This book would be a remarkable addition to any library. I also strongly recommend all read it!
The Tower of Babel: The Cultural History of Our Ancestors reveals our shared ancestry as never before! Many are familiar with the Biblical account of Babel, but after the dispersal, there was a void beyond Biblical history until empires like Rome and Greece arose. Now, discover the truth of these people groups and their civilizations that spread across the earth and trace their roots back to Babel as well as to the sons and grandsons of Noah!
Do read! As well as /T-cover/without%20spine/9780802402844.jpg)
Thirty Days in the Land with Jesus by Charles Dyer. I really enjoyed it! Now I have to walk in christs foot steps.!
Valerie- now I am must read, read, read!
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