Calvin has inspired many to live for Christ! So does
Worshipping With Calvin (Terry Johnson, EP Books, 2014) .
This book leads us to understand today's decline in the church then shows us how the reformed church and Calvin are able to make us return to a Biblical pattern of worship in Christ!
Johnson notes “The Reformers believed that Scripture’s own self-testimony is that Scripture alone is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
The author points out how Calvin wanted to draw men back to the disciples way of preaching and teaching.
One thing that I did not care for was how Johnson points out the only acceptable worship, is, as he views it is Reformed worship, which he says is the only one that sticks with Scripture. He forgets about the Calvinistic Baptists!
As I read I saw how Terry, has written a volume on the history of the Protestant church. Yet I felt I , who am not reformed could glean a lot from this book! Indeed this book would be an excellent pattern for all churches read and use in order to turn back to the Biblical pattern.
I am grateful to men like Calvin who points us back to Christ and his worship! Part III was my favorite s it showed what true worship is; God centered. The many verses boldly state the authors point; the Lord is to be worshiped and not Calvin!
The title “Worshipping With Calvin”, which can turn many away as can the first few chapters but delve a little deeper and you will be blessed. In the end I found this book to be very informative and a must for all pastors, churches, parents or any one taking seriously their faith in Christ!
it is a large volume over 320 pages but it is well worth the read. You will not be disappointed. I was blessed to have picked up this volume and feel that all men should own this book, Thus would make a valuable graduation gift for young men. Do read!
I received this book for free from EP Books via Cross Focused Reviews for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.