America is a unique nation in history. No nation has been as free, prosperous, charitable, and virtuous. This has nothing to do with any inherent value of the American people, but has to do with the valuable ideas upon which she was founded. Seven foundational ideas are examined that produced the American Dream, all of which are Biblical in their origin and were planted by the early settlers. The first seed principles were planted in Jamestown 400 years ago. Though often ignored, Christianity was vital for the beginning of Virginia; God's hand was evident in preserving the colony and the lives of many of its founders. The American Dream looks at the Rev. Richard Hakluyt, the man most influential in English colonization in the new world, and his motive "to inlarge the glory of the gospell." It documents the important role of the Christian faith in the founding of Virginia, and shows how the colonists' desire to propagate the Christian religion, as recorded in the First Charter of Virginia (1606), was fulfilled in Pocahontas and other native Americans. The ideas that made America exceptional were planted and grew in all the colonies, producing much fruit in the early American republic. Today, however, these ideas are under attack and are being displaced by secular ideas. For the American Dream to continue, we must remember from where we came and return the nation to its original Godly covenant.
I really enjoyed this book and think you should all read it!! I have always been fascinated with history and America , so this was a perfect read.
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